Save up to 40% on your electricity bill with smart charging!

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Charge your car with reimbursement   at home or on the go at the most affordable rates.

eCloud offers seamless reimbursement solutions, ensuring a hassle-free experience 

The cheapest solution
on the market

The eCloud reimbursement kit 

Getting started is quick and effortless, as demonstrated in this short video.

  • cheaper power
  • ability to charge anywhere
  • no placement by technician
  • no installation costs
  • multiple charging points
  • prompt settlement
  • opt for lower capacity rate
  • opt for green electricity

 socket is
 a charging


    Charging is possible everywhere.
    To use eCloud, all you need is a socket.



The eCloud App gives you a quick overview of your consumption
and costs, which are immediately settled with the socket


Charging your electric vehicle at home using higher power rates can increase your householdโ€™s electricity tariff. While your employer may reimburse the EV charging costs, the elevated electricity rates also apply to your private household consumption, which isnโ€™t covered by your employer..


Charging more sustainably extends the life of your battery.